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The Man From Planet X

Play trailer Poster for The Man From Planet X Released Apr 27, 1951 1h 10m Sci-Fi Play Trailer Watchlist
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100% Tomatometer 8 Reviews 39% Popcornmeter 1,000+ Ratings
From his observatory, Scottish professor Elliot (Raymond Bond) keeps close watch on Planet X, whose orbit is coming close to Earth. During the planet's approach, an alien ambassador appears but falls prey to maniacal scientist Dr. Mears (William Schallert). Returning the distinct lack of hospitality, the extraterrestrial uses his otherworldly powers to turn those he encounters into mindless drones. Elliot tries to stop the creature before everyone is turned into a zombie.

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The Man From Planet X

Critics Reviews

View All (8) Critics Reviews
Matt Brunson Film Frenzy Forget the "Lubitsch touch"; what we have here is the "Ulmer touch." Rated: 2.5/4 Apr 16, 2022 Full Review Emanuel Levy EmanuelLevy.Com Rated: 3/5 Jun 19, 2005 Full Review Michael E. Grost Classic Film and Television Creative, idealistic science fiction film. Jan 18, 2005 Full Review Jake Euker F5 (Wichita, KS) Capable B horror of the sort that invites nostalgia even in those of us who weren't there. Rated: 3/5 Jun 16, 2004 Full Review Frank Wilkins ReelTalk Movie Reviews An eerie reminder that a decent script and adept direction can overcome even the lowest of budgets. Feb 24, 2004 Full Review Ken Hanke Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC) Odd, atmospheric, but rather slow Edgar G. Ulmer sci-fi cheapie. Rated: 3/5 Mar 12, 2003 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Mady A This movie was overall very ‘meh’ for me. I thought some aspects of it were interesting, like the fact that it was a movie about aliens, but was set in Scotland for some inexplicable reason, but overall it just didn’t really do anything for me. The acting, the writing, the pacing, and the overall tone of the movie was just extremely mid. In terms of the writing and pacing, I feel like the movie tried really hard to build up suspense, but ultimately the tone of the film remained so constant that I never felt any sense of excitement or really any sort of emotion from the film. Though the film had a climax on paper, in viewing it, the actual climax of the movie just felt extremely rushed and didn’t really evoke any sort of feelings of excitement. I never felt like I was on the edge of my seat. I also felt like the movie spent a lot of time needlessly building up the various characters in the film, only for most of that character building and world building to not really be all that much relevant to the story itself. There were a lot of aspects about the first half of the movie that just felt really unnecessary. For instance, 90% of the movie takes place in Scotland, yet the first few minutes of the film (after a flash forward) are set in California with this character that doesn’t really make an appearance throughout the rest of the movie. That character doesn’t even end up being relevant later, nor does California or anything else about that scene. It just sort of serves as a meaningless way to give us some exposition that we can already kind of infer or get from other scenes at the beginning of the film. All of the characters in the film are also extremely one dimensional. They’re all pretty basic archetypes, like the damsel in distress, the debonair protagonist, or the overly ambitious villain characters. Yet the film spends so much time explaining to us the kind of people that these characters are in a way that never really has significant payoff. I also feel that Science Fiction films and TV shows, especially from this time period, usually try to push some sort of philosophical or moral messaging, or try to present the different views in some sort of philosophical debate, but if this movie did have some sort of overall moral messaging, it was executed very poorly. They set up this conflict about the main villain being this like overly ambitious guy who is really interested in using the alien technology for his own personal gain, but then that never really goes anywhere? And since we never learned to communicate with the alien, or we never have another character acting as sort of a translator mouthpiece for the alien aside from a 10 second scene, we never really understand the alien’s true motivations in a way that also doesn’t really add meaningfully to the plot, it kind of makes me wonder if the alien actually had good intentions or was just trying to save its dying civilization in a way that was clearly not intentional. As far as the acting goes, it was okay among the main characters. Robert Clarke and Margaret Field were pretty good and seemed to be trying their best, but a lot of the ensemble actors were pretty bad and the accent work in this movie is also pretty bad, especially with the Scottish characters. I’m pretty sure that none of them are actually Scottish, lol. The settings are okay. I thought some of the backgrounds and stuff were nice, but we are just sort of in the same place the entire movie. Ultimately, I think you should watch this movie especially if you love classic sci-fi or the director. It’s inoffensive, imo. But I just felt like it was kind of rightfully considered a ‘B’ movie. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 08/07/24 Full Review Edward K Totally silly. Typical early 1950s sci-fi. The plot makes no sense. The acting is wooden. The action is clumsy. The effects are laughable. The only good thing is that it only runs about an hour. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 05/05/23 Full Review Audience Member A movie in dire need of script re-writes, more production money and a better look man from planet X. Nonetheless, if you're familiar with who director Edgar G. Ulmer is this is a can't miss film from his repertoire Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/13/23 Full Review Audience Member A slight change for this all American, 50's B-movie sci-fi. That slight change being the movies story is not set in some sleepy, small, all American town in the desert. No this film is actually set in the dark, dreary, foggy, misty, bleak wilds of Scotland...or so the film makes out. OK so the black and white picture doesn't give the movie much in the way of bright sunshine and rolling green hills, and obviously the movie is supposed to be scary and moody, but geez...stereotyping of a country much? (nah they're spot on). The plot isn't much to go by really, a simple silly tale. A distant planet (planet X!!) is looming close to the Earth and will pass closely by on its current trajectory. Naturally this will cause immense chaos and devastation, if not complete annihilation of the human race! But no time for any of that, there are bloody aliens landing in Scotland for flips sake. So this one spaceship lands in the Scottish moors (island of Bury??) somewhere and is found by some locals and of course an all American reporter (Robert Clarke) whose over visiting Scotland because planet X will pass closest to the Earth in this vicinity. Eventually after much back n forth from the various characters the main alien is encountered but thought to be friendly. Trying to communicate turns out to be tough going, but nevertheless the obvious baddie character of Dr Mears (William Schallert) is left to try. Naturally he attempts to gain information about the aliens spacecraft and the material its constructed from for his own dastardly deeds, in the process he almost kills the alien. The alien then buggers off (presumably slightly offended), but at the same time local folk start to vanish. Its left to the handsome American and some quirky fat Scot to work out what's happening (which I'll spoil for you down below). So yeah, the basic plot for this is horrendously simple and weak, and as with many of these glorious old movies, its doesn't really make any sense. K...firstly, the alien in question is actually a scout party that is laying the ground work for an invasion it seems. The big big question is (from me at least), was this the plan all along or did the alien just become really pissed off with Mears trying to suffocate him? You see at first the alien is friendly and keen to try and communicate, of course this could be a ploy. But then we have this scene where Mears tries to kill the alien because he wants to know about the material the spaceship is built out of. After that scene the alien does a runner and all of sudden he's kidnapping locals, zombifying them and using them to build a base at his spaceships landing site. So had Mears not done this, would the alien not have tried to set up the invasion? Next up is the obvious one. The alien lifeform is unable to breathe on Earth without its equipment, so why would they choose Earth to invade (if that was the original plan...all Dr. Mears fault speculation). I mean sure their choice might not be much planet wise, and the fact their home planet is inexplicably travelling towards Earth is remarkably convenient, but breathing problems?? Surely not being able to breathe without constant backup from your gear would be a long term problem. We also do not find out why the aliens planet is dying either, it just is. Most of the movie is made up of lots of character building that really feels useless in the grand scheme of things. The American reporter of John Lawrence (Clarke) is your standard good looking bloke with a pencil thin tash. The main female protagonist of Enid Elliot (Margaret Field) is your standard damsel in distress, and the old scientist character of Professor Elliot is your stereotypical pipe smoking, Basil Rathbone-esque fellow. Completely expected of course but at least this time there is also the jolly Scot sidekick character to help Lawrence later on, along with some cornball extras playing local fishermen. All with dreadful American/Scottish accents I might add. But the main problem with this little movie is the fact there is a whole heap of exposition, boring pointless exposition. There are endless slow scenes of characters nattering to each other and simply moving from one scene to another to further the basic plot. Sounds important but it really isn't, it just feels like padding because there simply isn't enough with the alien which would make it more exciting. For instance the villain character of Mears isn't really given any backstory at all! This despite loads of dialog about the characters and their situation which felt odd. We are constantly reminded that Mears is a brilliant but flawed man who never got any proper comeuppance for whatever it was he did, we don't find out. Then you have the very predictable and totally cliched fact that both Lawrence and Enid have a past that goes back years to the war. Lawrence was a pilot (of course) and Enid provided weather conditions for their bombing raids sooo...naturally when they meet up again they'll fall in love! The start of the movie involves a load of chit-chat between Lawrence and some other old scientist about the pending planet X coming into range of the Earth. All this does is set up Lawrence coming to Scotland. There is also a good tonne of frantic dialog between Lawrence and the jolly Scot when everything goes tits up towards the end, frantic but boring, made humorous down to bad accents. The general look of the movie is actually quite good and atmospheric I'll give it that. Much of the Scottish scenery is conveyed through models and using lots of smoke to mask the fact, something that is obvious but looks great in a charming way. Everything else is contained within sets as I don't believe there are any location shots at all except for the obligatory bit of stock footage. Overall it does look effective which is helped (as always) by the black and white film which always hides faults well whilst adding to the creepy vibe. Its also amusing to note that virtually the entire story seems to occur at night from what I can recall. As for the alien costume, well its quite good to be truthful, nothing outrageously daft but quite simple and effective with a haunting face for the alien. Sure the face is devoid of any actual movement and doesn't make any actual sound but its Halloween-esque, mask-like face works well. This seems to sum up the movie altogether really, it looks good and it is atmospheric, considering the lack of budget, but beneath that its a bit of a muddle really. Heck even the movie can't really decide what happened in the end going by Enid's last bit of dialog, oh well. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 01/22/23 Full Review Audience Member Love this old classic sci-fi flic. Nothing groundbreaking, just good acting, atmospheric setting, and enjoyable actors. I also like the little car Margaret Field drives, the standard 8. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 02/18/23 Full Review Audience Member The forgotten classic that inspired many movies of its day. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/15/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Man From Planet X

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Movie Info

Synopsis From his observatory, Scottish professor Elliot (Raymond Bond) keeps close watch on Planet X, whose orbit is coming close to Earth. During the planet's approach, an alien ambassador appears but falls prey to maniacal scientist Dr. Mears (William Schallert). Returning the distinct lack of hospitality, the extraterrestrial uses his otherworldly powers to turn those he encounters into mindless drones. Elliot tries to stop the creature before everyone is turned into a zombie.
Edgar G. Ulmer
Jack Pollexfen, Aubrey Wisberg
Aubrey Wisberg, Jack Pollexfen
United Artists
Production Co
Sherrill Corwin
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Apr 27, 1951, Wide
Release Date (Streaming)
Feb 14, 2017
1h 10m
Sound Mix
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