Ben W
Absolutely dreadful. Such a waste of time. Your attention is your most prized possession, remember.
But you'd need some reassurance, that I know what I'm talking about and wasn't just in a bad mood? OK. Spoiler plot etc. I'm going to be open- If you're bothered, don't read on.
One good turn. If they called it, 'what I imagine my child's hunky pe teacher does when not at school', ... I thought! I'd avoided the worst of Edinburgh's Fringe. But. A sting in the tail, months down the line.
Is it true? No. *think* it tries to be 'Lock Stock...' which itself was... a yarn that hinged on luck. Unlikely bunch of characters, in a netherworld, percolate, usually on 'one crazy night.'
What happens? Jason Isaacs mumbles (and shoots looks with his penetrating crystal blue eyes) a lot...
What do I think? I can't tell this one off, without telling the whole genre off, it feels. It felt like you see the mess of a tent and some miserable children in the foothills of Mount Snowden. And it's just like, yeah. Mountains do that, sorry. Let's get you home. I don't think Chandler did think ahead about where his plots went? The Big Sleep, Bogart said they had no idea? There's something about comfortable middle or upper middle class homes, that does not reek of criminality ? I just felt neglected- leave brain at home, and then a lukewarm rollercoaster, that breaks and you get a free ride on the dodgems- which then also break. Thanks.
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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Sean K
The series is quite good except for the nonstop cigarette porn.
Tobacco addicts undoubtedly may like watching the lovingly detailed "lighting up" footage of the main character ten times an episode. Some of us, however, find it disgusting and distracting. Both of my parents died, far too early, from smoking-related cancer, and I don't find the smoking porn romantic, glamorous, rebellious, or anything but pathetic.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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kathy j
Main character and story were worthy of more seasons.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Stephen M
This was a great drama from start to finish. It had compelling stories, was well filmed and felt like a classy production with excellent actors. It was gritty at times and also had good humour. Unfortunately, it was axed by BBC in their somewhat recurring theme of if it's quality; ditch it, if it's a series like Death in Paradise, with the same tired formula week after week...lets make 12 seasons...and counting!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Nancy M
Great writing and performances. It's a shame there are only two seasons. Set in Edinburgh, beautiful sets and scenery. Really good photography. High quality production. THis has been out for awhile (2011) — how did we miss this great show?!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Anna S
Season one is entertaining, with good stories and a likable and hunky hero whose good heart just can't let things go that need fixing. Season two, however, inexplicably makes our hero somewhat meaner and his behavior is more erratic, especially in his relationships with women, including his own daughter. In the final episode of Season 2, Jackson's final scene with DCI Louise Monroe has to make him the biggest cad ever, and the ridiculous birth scene seemed rushed and trite -- seen a million time before.. The music is awful...much too loud, with sappy lyrics distracting and forcing interpretations on emotional scenes. Hard to believe that Jackson Brodie would unwind by listening to mopey "women's" music.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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Episode 1
Aired Jun 5, 2011
Private investigator, Jackson Brodie, takes on a case of a girl who disappeared 30 years ago.
Episode 2
Aired Jun 6, 2011
Jackson Brodie, takes on a case of a mysterious seductress who is trying to find her niece.
Episode 3
Aired Jun 12, 2011
One Good Turn
Jackson helps a crime novelist who is caught up in a road rage incident.
Episode 4
Aired Jun 13, 2011
One Good Turn
Jackson exposes some dark secrets of a novelist's holiday in Russia.
Episode 5
Aired Jun 19, 2011
When Will There Be Good News?
Jackson is involved in a train accident which brings another lost girl into his life.
Episode 6
Aired Jun 20, 2011
When Will There Be Good News?
Will Jackson be able to find Joanna Hunter before it is too late?