Niall Byrne
Niall Byrne was most commonly known for his impressive musical talents. Byrne began his entertainment career with his music featured in films like the historical love story "Words Upon the Window Pane" (1995) with Geraldine Chaplin, the period drama "Country" (2000) with Lisa Harrow and "Flick" (2000) with David Murray. An actor as well as a musician, Byrne played a part in the drama "The Miracle" (1991) with Beverly D'Angelo. In the early 2000s, Byrne devoted his time to various credits, such as "Small Engine Repair" (2006), "The Honeymooners" (2007) starring Alex Reid and "How About You" with Hayley Atwell (2008). He also worked on "Short Order" (2008) starring Emma De Caunes. Byrne's music was also featured in "Parked" (2012) and the James Nesbitt drama "Gold" (2014). Most recently, Byrne worked on "The Widower" (PBS, 2015-).