Omar G
Eaten Alive (1976).
The psychotic killer in this film is like Norman Bates from Psycho (1960), Drayton Sawyer the old man and hitchhiker from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). A crocodile devouring victims was plagiarized in the film X (2022), also the use of makeup to appear to be old women as Carolyn Jones did.
Directed by Tobe Hooper, the stars Robert Englun, Marilyn Burns, Carolyn Jones, Kyle Richards.
There are very attractive females Marilyn Burns, Janus Blythe, Crystin Sinclaire, Roberta Collins.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Allan C
Writer/Director Tobe Hooper and co-writer Kim Henkel followed up their grindhouse classic THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE with a very different type of Southern-fried horror film. Neville Brand plays a crazed East Texas motel owner who murders folks he takes offense to and then feeds them to a giant gator who lives in the swamp behind his place of business. EATEN ALIVE is a big step up for the CHAINSAW filmmakers in terms of budget and stars, with name actors like Brand (a well-regarded Hollywood heavy and western star), playing a terrifically fun over-the-top psychotic killer, as well as Mel Ferrer (WAIT UNTIL DARK), Carolyn Jones (Morticia from THE ADDAMS FAMILY), Stuart Whitman (THE COMANCHEROS), and even child actress Kyle Richards (Mr. Edwards adopted daughter on LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRARIE and a future Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, along with her child actress turned reality star sister Kim Richards). There's a couple of CHAINSAW alums too, Marilyn Burns and William Finley, and also a young Robert Englund in an early role as a local hothead, who has the best line of the film, "Name's Buck... and I'm rarin' to f----." Quentin Tarantino paid homage to this in KILL BILL, with a particularly sleazy character repeating that line. EATEN ALIVE is very different from CHAINSAW, which was gritty and unsettling with almost a documentary feel. EATEN ALIVE is very stage-bound, clearly shot on a set. Although very fake in its appearance, it has an infectious, highly stylized presentation in production design, color, and lighting. It's one of those movie sets you wish you could step into the screen and just explore around. EATEN ALIVE is also much more conventional in its suspense set pieces compared to CHAINSAW, but Hooper absolutely delivers the suspense goods, whether it's a little girl being chased underneath the hotel or Burns being chased through the bayou hotel by a scythe-wielding Brand, it's an absolute palm-sweating experience. On the downside, there's minimal characterization, and the story is not all that interesting. The ending is also awfully predictable, but it's a pretty fun ride for folks who enjoy low-budget 70s horror flicks, which is a pretty niche group, though if you're one of our legions, you should definitely check out EATEN ALIVE, even if it's nowhere as terrifying or original as CHAINSAW.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Christian K
A simple under baked concept, crazy hotel owner likes to kill people and feed them to his pet crocodile from Africa. Awash in blistering bright red lighting around ever corner.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Lewis T
Unnerving and grimy this movie is very effective at delivering scares one of the few horror movies to actually make me uncomfortable
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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John D
Tobe hooper is at it again. Following up the horror classic 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with well not a horror classic. Mr Hooper satire about a bitch slapping hick with a pet gator who mumbles alot and feeds his motel guests to said gator. It is offbeat, campy fun and serves as proof Mr. Hooper needs many, many years of therapy. But hey, don't we all.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Eaten Alive is Tobe Hooper's follow up movie to Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Well, even though Eaten Alive is directed by Tobe Hooper, and Marilyn Burns is being a scream queen/final girl like before, I don't think it's as good as the first movie. Though, I do like some of the weird choices that were used in filming this movie. Oh, and of course it has Robert England!
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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