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Demoni 3 (Black Demons)(Black Zombies)

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Audience Member The worst movie i have seen. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 01/22/23 Full Review Audience Member Not enough mojo to gogo in the zombie-voodoo that they do in "Black Zombies." Horrid acting bogs down what should have been a good movie. Apparently the director was saddled with amateurs - and it shows. Beyond this, though, who wants to see zombies that don't eat people? These resurrected ghouls hack people to death, in a revenge plot of former slaves versus any white people they can find. Don't believe the box - not only are there only six zombies (unlike the cover, and the fact that there is only six is integral to the plot and repeated often) but they don't "tear, rip and bite anyone in their path of vengeance." Complete lie. Thanks Shreik Show. Ya got me in the tent. I guess there really IS a sucker born every minute. Don't waste your time. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 01/31/23 Full Review Audience Member I've always given Umberto Lenzi's films a chance for some reason, but to this day, I have yet to see a movie that I actually liked. This one is one of the worst ones. Terrible acting, terrible dialogue and delivery and it seems to rely heavily on locations like a lot of the Italian movies of the 1980s. The storyline is really kind of choppy and thrown together and the zombies look bad. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 01/25/23 Full Review Audience Member I don't think I'm Catholic enough to be scared by this... Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 02/14/23 Full Review Audience Member This film ends up as an interesting picture of what happened to the Italian cinema once the late 80s and early 90s rolled around. There is pretty much nothing enjoyable about this film, but more something to look at to see how wrong things can go when trying to make a movie. This was a project that Umberto Lenzi was thrown some money and actors to make, and tried to make the best with what he had, but he had no intellectual investment in the project and everything seemed to go downhill from there. Italy enjoyed much success during the 70s and early 80s in making these kinds of horror films that got distributed around the world, so producers began handing out these sums of money for projects which they thought would have the same results, but it really just turned out to be an utter disaster, to the point where even Lenzi says so himself. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/17/23 Full Review Audience Member Out of all three films also known as "Demons 3," "Black Demons" is the closest to being "official" as it was the only one to be released in Italy as "Demoni 3." Yes it was actually released as a follow-up to Lamberto Bava's gruesome twosome in its home country of Italy. Ironically though it is also the one that has the LEAST to do with Bava's films. First of all it doesn't even contain demons, just a half-a-dozen zombies. Second it has no cast or crew connections. "The Church" and "The Ogre" at least had cast and crew members that worked previously on Demons 1 and 2 but not here. To top it off this is BY FAR the worst of the "Demons 3" posers which just adds insult to injury. Like I mentioned earlier, our monsters aren't even demons but zombies. These zombies were slaves on a Brazilian plantation (hence the somewhat politically incorrect adjective "Black" used in the English language title) who are unwittingly raised from the dead when a vacationer plays a recording of a voodoo chant that he attended. Now zombies need to spill the blood of 6 white people and our 3 vacations must survive the night before falling prey to the black zombies....errrr.....demons. Black Demons was released in 1990 and this was right at the end of the Italian film market before it collapsed. All Italian films at this time were very lackluster, showcasing extremely low budgets, poor plots, and bad acting. Italian directors who once were great eventually surcame to the failing film industry and genre great Umberto Lenzi was no different as Black Demons is a far cry from even his trashy early 80's bloodfests like Cannibal Ferox and Nightmare City. All the amazing stylistic shots from his 70's crime films and even the trashy entertainment value of his early 80's efforts are missing and all that's left is a left is a desiccated husk. The acting is dreadful and the plot is painfully simple and dull. Umberto tries to liven up the film with some gory killings but even they seem like bad carbon copies of earlier Italian classics. The film is just basically a Night of the Living Dead clone with a Brazilian setting but the film lacks sole, making it nothing more than a time waster. Fans of Italian horror films will no doubt want to check it out but this one is only for Italian horror die-hards. It's mindless, dull and just plain forgettable. People expecting another gory trash classic from Umberto Lenzi and going to come out extremely disappointed.... not to mention people expecting this to be a true sequel to Lamberto Bava's insanely entertaining Demons duology. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Demoni 3 (Black Demons)(Black Zombies)

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Movie Info

Umberto Lenzi