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Play trailer Poster for Futuresport R 1998 1h 37m Mystery & Thriller Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 4 Reviews 23% Popcornmeter 1,000+ Ratings
In the year 2025, Tre Ramsey (Dean Cain) and his friend Fixx (Wesley Snipes) create a game dubbed "Futurespor" to settle gang conflicts in place of violence. Tre soon rises to the top, while Fixx drifts away when the game becomes a commercial phenomenon. But after a terrorist group is discovered to be planning an attack, Tre teams with his journalist ex-girlfriend (Vanessa L. Williams) and Fixx to challenge the criminals to a game that just might save the world.

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Critics Reviews

View All (4) Critics Reviews
Emanuel Levy EmanuelLevy.Com Rated: 2/5 Nov 4, 2005 Full Review Dragan Antulov Rated: 5/10 Jul 26, 2004 Full Review James O'Ehley Movie Gurus Bland and easily forgettable . . . May 4, 2004 Full Review Cheryl DeWolfe Apollo Guide Rated: 62/100 Jan 1, 2000 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member In the year 2025, reymayne 'Tre The Pharaoh' Ramzey (Dean Cain) and his friend Obike Fixx (Wesley Snipes) create a game dubbed "Futurespor" to settle gang conflicts in place of violence. Tre soon rises to the top, while Fixx drifts away when the game becomes a commercial phenomenon. But after the Hawaiian Liberation Organization terrorist group is discovered to be planning an attack, Tre teams with his journalist ex-girlfriend Alejandra 'Alex' Torres (Vanessa L. Williams) and Fixx to challenge the criminals to a game that just might save the world... This TV movie originally aired on ABC in October 1998, tries to be Norman Jewison´s "Rollerball", but is as far as it can get from being just that. Poor acting, poor cast, poor effects and a poor futuristic storyline. Miss this one. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/21/23 Full Review Audience Member Just when you think a movie can't be worse than rollerball this piece of shit came along. Same feel as rollerball but the game is even less appealing. Dean Cain and Wesley snipes with the worse Jamaican accent ever. Massive pile of garbage this movie sucks mega ass. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 01/23/23 Full Review Audience Member this movie is so bad it's good. seriously. you've got wesley snipes as a jamaican gangster, vanessa williams being...vanessa williams, and dean cain who saves the world from wwIII (or IV or...something) by playing the dumbest-named cross between hockey and rollerball on skateboards known to man. it's pure brilliance. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/26/23 Full Review brendan n so boring and definitely not one for the big screen. it feels as though they were watching rollerball and thought lets make a terrible movie Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member A poorly executed Rollerball rip off. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 01/29/23 Full Review Audience Member this is a really cheese movie but I still found it to be good. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/17/23 Full Review Read all reviews

My Rating


Movie Info

Synopsis In the year 2025, Tre Ramsey (Dean Cain) and his friend Fixx (Wesley Snipes) create a game dubbed "Futurespor" to settle gang conflicts in place of violence. Tre soon rises to the top, while Fixx drifts away when the game becomes a commercial phenomenon. But after a terrorist group is discovered to be planning an attack, Tre teams with his journalist ex-girlfriend (Vanessa L. Williams) and Fixx to challenge the criminals to a game that just might save the world.
Ernest R. Dickerson
David Roessell, Victor McGauley, Ken Raskoff, Wesley Snipes
Robert Hewitt Wolfe
Production Co
Amen Ra Films
R, TV-14 (V)
Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Mar 23, 2017
1h 37m
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