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A Hero Never Dies

Play trailer Poster for A Hero Never Dies Released Nov 5, 1998 1h 26m Action Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 3 Reviews 58% Popcornmeter 1,000+ Ratings
Jack (Leon Lai) and Martin (Ching-Wan Lau) are gunmen who work for two rival kingpins. Jack and Martin have been fighting on their bosses behalf for close to a year. When a truce is made both Jack and Martin are cut loose. The two men then decide to join forces and take on the gangsters who used them.

Critics Reviews

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Yasser Medina Cinefilia To combines the crime with the stylized action seen in the heroic bloodshed, but somehow it's not quite as exciting to me and rarely has a tense moment with the sequences involving shootouts and gun ballads. [Full review in Spanish] Rated: 6/10 Jul 15, 2021 Full Review Panos Kotzathanasis Asian Movie Pulse Apart from the action, however, the drama that permeates the film adds to its context, with To presenting the underworld as a setting filled with heroics, but also treacherous and despicable people, who deem the heroes and their loyalty, damned Jul 25, 2020 Full Review Emanuel Levy EmanuelLevy.Com Rated: 2/5 Jul 4, 2005 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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DanTheMan 2 Just as much a tribute to the heroic bloodshed films of yesteryear as it is a brilliantly stylised entry in its own right, A Hero Never Dies is a pure exercise in genre film despite being so hard-boiled that it almost becomes a comedy. Taking a fundamentally tried, tested and clichéd story in a world where the violence is more sudden and the atmosphere much darker and upending nearly every element of the films he's paying homage to, shows the power of Johnnie To's filmmaking ability. To's direction is fantastic with plenty of sweeping camera movements and tremendous use of colour, all coupled with Cheng Siu-keung's outstanding photography make the film a feast for the eyes. The incredible sense of loyalty and honour these characters display ultimately makes them “heroes", the themes are often hammered home so relentlessly that the film nearly enters the realm of parody. Only in a gangland fantasy would characters enjoy a friendship but have no qualms about killing one another later. The performances from its central cast are phenomenal, Leon Lai and Sean Lau especially, both playing fundamentally different archetypes of the same profession to immense effect, all the while Raymond Wong's hauntingly powerful score dominates the sound mix, even if he does repeat a few too many cues from his work on Running Out of Time. A Hero Never Dies ultimately just solidifies to me that Johnnie To is one of, if not the best post-handover filmmaker in the industry. Heroes may die, but their actions live forever. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 11/11/24 Full Review camille l Pour son premier film avec sa structure Milkyway, Johnnie To livre A Hero Never Dies, une sorte de carte de visite de ce qu'on pourrait voir ensuite avec sa boîte. A Hero Never Dies est un mélodrame entre deux amis/ennemis de deux Triades ennemies, avec des fusillades grandiloquentes, des grands dialogues sur la vie, l'amour et la mort, des personnages féminins pris entre deux feux victimes sacrificielles à l'autel de l'honneur, beaucoup de pluie, Lam Suet et surtout un sens du rythme et de l'ellipse fantastique. Leon Lai et Lau Ching Wan sont formidables, Fiona Leung & Yoyo Mung aussi. A Hero Never Dies est une jolie curiosité pour les fans d'heroic bloodshed, c'est le début du renouveau. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Simple, condensed but stylish & effective. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/04/23 Full Review Audience Member Johnnie To's signature style shines throughout this flawed film! Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 01/21/23 Full Review Audience Member heroic bloodshed to end all heroic bloodshed. that damn song will be stuck in my head for weeks Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/09/23 Full Review Audience Member Intenso, violento, autoironico, drammatico e commovente. Il cinema asiatico ha tanto da insegnare. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 01/15/23 Full Review Read all reviews
A Hero Never Dies

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Movie Info

Synopsis Jack (Leon Lai) and Martin (Ching-Wan Lau) are gunmen who work for two rival kingpins. Jack and Martin have been fighting on their bosses behalf for close to a year. When a truce is made both Jack and Martin are cut loose. The two men then decide to join forces and take on the gangsters who used them.
Johnnie To
Johnnie To
Nai-Hoi Yau
Production Co
Milky Way Image
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Nov 5, 1998, Original
1h 26m
Sound Mix
Dolby SR, Dolby Digital
Aspect Ratio
Scope (2.35:1)