Marco L
(CASTELLANO) Me podía haber emocionado al ver a esos chavales correr, pero no pude evitarlo, pensaba que había visto esta película antes. Habían cogido una fórmula ganadora y la repetían sin añadir nada nuevo. Kevin Costner está bien, pero su personaje es... demasiado perfecto. Me hubiera gustado ver un entrenador más complejo, con sus propios demonios y dudas. Me hubiera gustado ver algo más original, que me sorprendiera, pero no era así.
La dirección de Niki Caro es correcta, sin grandes riesgos, y la ambientación logra transmitir la dureza del entorno en el que viven los protagonistas. Sin embargo, la película se queda en lo superficial y no profundiza demasiado en sus historias personales. Todo avanza de forma mecánica, con momentos emotivos que funcionan, pero que nunca sorprenden.
A pesar de su falta de originalidad, McFarland es un film que se deja ver. No molesta, pero tampoco deja huella. Para quienes disfruten de este tipo de historias, puede ser una opción entretenida, aunque difícilmente se recuerde con el tiempo.
(ENGLISH) I could have been moved watching those kids run, but I couldn’t help feeling like I had seen this movie before. They took a winning formula and repeated it without adding anything new. Kevin Costner does a fine job, but his character is… too perfect. I would have liked to see a more complex coach, one with his own demons and doubts. I wanted something more original, something that would surprise me, but that wasn’t the case.
Niki Caro’s direction is competent, without major risks, and the setting effectively conveys the harsh reality of the protagonists’ environment. However, the film remains on the surface, never really delving into their personal stories. Everything moves forward mechanically, with emotional moments that work but never truly surprise.
Despite its lack of originality, McFarland is a watchable film. It’s harmless, but it doesn’t leave a lasting impression. For those who enjoy this kind of story, it can be an entertaining choice, though it’s unlikely to be remembered over time.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Garrett B
Kevin Kostner delivers in this sports biography.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Jay W
I'm an easy mark when it comes to "Sports Movies". There are too many examples to list off here, but suffice it to say, some of my all-time favorite movies are sports movies. Yes, they can be a bit formulaic, but they are utilizing clichés that I never get tired of. A story of an individual or team, starting off bad, but then through hard work and determination overcome impossible odds and find their moment in the sun. Those story telling tropes will never get old for me.
The simple joy of having a character that everyone thinks is no good step up in the final seconds of the championship for the win is so cheesy, but so satisfying.
The movie takes a fair share of liberties from the original true story, but what movie doesn't? The movie is very tightly edited, keeping a good pace throughout the story. The only problem is that the movie takes on a little more than it can chew. There are one too many subplots and characters going on in this story, and the movie has a hard time keeping what needs in focus.
I am glad that, despite the story taking place in 1987, the film does not feel the need to rub the audience's nose in that fact. It helps give the story a more timeless feel. I like that the film got a PG rating, this is full of themes that kids off all ages can benefit from.
Certainly not Costner's best sports movie. But I ran cross country in high school and thusly this movie speaks to me on a higher level. Not all the story points work, and it may not be the most original story, but when it works, it can get me to stand up and cheer.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Emon M
This is a must-watch for underdog sport stories.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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Bernard D
Really good family movie about perseverance, hard work, overcoming hardships (sometimes self imposed), and the value of family.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Dan R
Not normally the kind of movie I would watch. I'm glad I did, an emotional and very well written version of a true story. Another Disney special.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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