Audience Member
Writer Matthew Bright and director Richard Elfman made Forbidden Zone, which is quite honestly one of the weirdest movies ever made. So why not try and outdo it?
Well, maybe Charles Band being involved may ensure that this isn't as delightfully odd as the last movie Bright and Elfman made. But there's still plenty of strangeness, as nearly everyone in this movie other than the leads were video store employees who won their roles in a contest.
The Vipers street gang led by Big Mo (Meg Foster and her intense and frightening eyes) has finally gotten sick of the three teens who screw with their plans, so they blast them with a shotgun. The newspaper salesman who sells them their comic books, Aristide Sumatra (Julius Harris in his last role; he was Tee Hee Johnson in Live and Let Die as well as appearing in Black Caesar, Hell Up In Harlem and Hollywood Vice Squad), is a voodoo priest and brings them back to life.
Seeing as how Tommy, Bill and Fredrick are now stuck as floating shrunken heads — I wonder how Tommy's girlfriend Sally feels, seeing as how she took part in the ritual that saved him — and they use their new superpowers to fight crime make people clean up trash.
It's a kid movie where kids get gunned down and become flying severed heads.
Maybe it'll give your children nightmares.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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While clearly aimed at the younger crowd, Shrunken Heads, even with it's young cast, silly music and slapstic humour, is a blast to watch.
Like most Full Moon releases, the story is pretty simple and straight forward but in this case, thanks to a slightly bigger budget, it works well at telling this "kids" story about street punks and what happens to you when you mess with a neighbourhood with a voodoo priest in it.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Nem tudtam, hogy hihetek e a szememnek miközben a Zsugorfejeket nà (C)ztem. Adott 3 tizenà (C)ves fiú, akik szemtanúi lesznek egy kocsilopásnak, az esemà (C)nyt követÃ…'en pedig tanúskodnak a bűnösök ellen. Az igazság pedig, mint tudjuk vak, ÃÂgy a tolvajokat szabadlábra engedik à (C)s dà 1/4htÃ…'l fújtatva agyonlövik a 3 tinà (C)dzsert. A gonosztevÃ…'k azonban nem sejtik, hogy áldozataik közeli barátságot ápoltak egy nyugdÃÂjas voodoo pappal, aki nem rest levágni a 3 halott fiúcska fejà (C)t à (C)s azokból összeaszalt kis zsugorfejeket csinálni (pont olyanok, mint a Harry Potter à (C)s az azkabani fogolyban látható kis izà (C) a buszban). Ez mà (C)g nem minden! A zsugorfejek ezt követÃ…'en gyilkos trióvá válnak à (C)s megbosszulják az ellenà 1/4k elkövetett merà (C)nyletet. Aki azt hinnà (C), hogy egy fej nem tud bosszút állni, az nagyon tà (C)ved, mert bizony tudnak repà 1/4lni is, áramot lÃ…'ni, sÃ…'t az áldozataikat akár zombivá is át tudják alakÃÂtani. Termà (C)szetesen emellett tartalmaz mà (C)g a film tinirománcot, sok vicces beszólást à (C)s minÃ…'sÃÂthetetlenà 1/4l olcsó effekteket. Már 3x zuhanyoztam mióta láttam tegnap, de mà (C)g mindig mocskosnak à (C)rzem magam. :))
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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Zombies with flatulence. The basic descriptions they have for the Zombies on the news pretty much makes it worth watching. Plus it's Danny Elfman and Richard Elfman, so how could you go wrong. You might actually be surprised who is in this one too.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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This is possibly the worst movie of all time, which is why I bought it and had it shipped here from the US. Read the plot synopsis. It defies my attempts to describe it.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Not as crazy as I was hoping, especially considering that this movie is by the guys who did FORBIDDEN ZONE and MODERN VAMPIRES, but it was still a lot of fun. It had the potential to be even nuttier than those films with its absurd plot, but it doesn't really run with the concept the way it could have. Still, I had a lot of fun watching it, and I challenge you to find another movie with a premise that's as nutty as this one (and as fun to describe).
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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