Audience Member
A sweet, funny, look at real life. More people should watch this movie and realize this is life for the elderly and some gay young men. Loneliness strikes us all eventually. I'm 66 years you ng and looking at this as myself or my husband sooner or later. I've seen many in my family and friends go through this time in their lives. It is the circle of life we will all reach. Love your family while you can. I also live in Florida and know the Don Cesar and St. Pete beach well.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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Audience Member
I loved this movie .I'm so glad I didn't look at this site before watching it. Made me smile and cry - which is okay.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
I think it's a very poignant .......anther take on old age!!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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jesse o
One of the little known facts about is my appreciation for the art form that is dancing and all its variations. Actually that's a lie, I certainly have a lot of respect for dancers and the talent that it takes to perform at a high-level. Myself, I am not much of a dancer. I have as much grace at dancing as someone with one leg who was stuck for 13 hours straight on Disney's teacup ride. That should tell you how bad I am. To be fair, I have never truly attempted to dance, but I know I would be terrible. Only times I recall dancing were at prom (where I danced with my mom for the first dance) and some birthday parties, but that's about it. As far as movies about dancing go, eh, not the biggest fan. At least a big fan of those Step Up movies, where it's all about a dancing competition or something like that. Those movies I can't stand, because it's all about the dancing and not about anything else. The stories usually suck and the characters are laughable. A movie like this, where the dancing is used as the starting point of a developing friendship between Michael and Lily, then it works far much better than if it was just focusing on something that's a competition. I will say that this movie is predictable as all hell. There's nothing about this movie that is original in any way, shape or form. It plays out pretty much exactly like how you would expect. Yet, even with all of that, and even with the sentimentality that is on display here, I found this to be an oddly sweet little movie. The relationship is a bit obvious in that Lily sees Michael as a chance to atone for what mistakes she may have made with her daughter (who died at age 20). And Michael sees Lily as a mother figure after his own mother passed away due to Alzheimer's. I really do believe that they go a little too heavy-handed with this aspect of the movie, but I thought that the relationship between the two, for the most part, is really strong. Cheyenne Jackson and Gena Rowlands have some great chemistry together. They give off an air of authenticity, I get the feeling that they genuinely enjoyed working together. Cheyenne is charming when he needs to be and Gena is ornery when she needs to, but she's good at slowly peeling back the layers of her personality and how she struggles with the mistakes of her past, and not being able to accept, at first, Michael's homosexuality. Like I said earlier, the film hits all of the notes that you would expect given the set-up. Michael and Lily have problems getting along at first. Lily is too cranky and Michael is a little bit too outgoing for Lily's liking. You've seen this movie before and will likely see it again. Is it the best of its ilk? No, not really. I wouldn't even know what the peak of this genre is. At best, I'd say that this was a decent movie, at best. But it's a decent movie that I liked. I think it certainly requires you to be in a certain kind of mood, cause I can see someone whose favorite movie is The Seventh Seal (and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that since it's a classic) being completely condescending towards this movie and its approach to its story and its characters. But there's a lot to like about this movie in spite of its flaws. Gena Rowlands and Cheyenne Jackson, quite frankly, have some lovely chemistry together. The story does go a little heavy with their respective pasts and how it makes their relationship stronger, but there's enjoyment to be had here if you're in the mood for something casual. That's not saying you should overlook its issues, but that you can like this even with that. I don't feel comfortable giving this three stars, but it's also a better movie than 2.5 stars (which is what I'm giving it). I can't recommend it, because it might appeal to a more mature crowd, but this is a perfectly decent little movie.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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It's hard to get through the first 30 minutes of a young man verbally assaulting an old woman for no apparent reason. After that, it's just... meh.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Love Love LOVE this film version! Fell in love with the play when my family and I saw it a few years ago. The film has more locations, more characters and is just as funny and heartwarming. Genna Rowlands is perfect as Lilly, and Cheyanne is hysterical. A must see!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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