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The Descent: Part 2

Play trailer Poster for The Descent: Part 2 R 2009 1h 34m Horror Mystery & Thriller Play Trailer Watchlist
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48% Tomatometer 40 Reviews 34% Popcornmeter 10,000+ Ratings
An amnesiac spelunker (Shauna Macdonald) joins a rescue team to explore underground caves where bloodthirsty creatures dwell.
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The Descent: Part 2

The Descent: Part 2

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Critics Consensus

The Descent 2 goes spelunking for its predecessors' unnerving power but never digs beyond surface chills, although this efficient splatterfest contains enough nasty set pieces to sate the gore-prone.

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Nev Pierce Empire Magazine An uninspired retread of a horror classic, this tries hard to justify its existence... and fails. Rated: 2/5 Dec 4, 2009 Full Review Nigel Floyd Time Out Harris's direction is messy, favouring confusing set-piece scares over the all-important group dynamics. Rated: 2/5 Dec 4, 2009 Full Review Wendy Ide Times (UK) The first-time director Jon Harris recreates the sense of airless, claustrophobic panic that worked so effectively the first time around and cranks up the yuck factor exponentially. Rated: 3/5 Dec 4, 2009 Full Review Paul Lê Bloody Disgusting If nothing else, the sequel has senseless Crawler action in spades, and there is an attempt at a happier ending for those who found the original film’s conclusion too gloomy. Rated: 2/5 Aug 27, 2023 Full Review Brian Eggert Deep Focus Review Despite its regression into full-fledged schlock mode, this horror sequel didn’t deserve the direct-to-video treatment. Rated: 2/4 Aug 21, 2023 Full Review Stephanie Archer Film Inquiry The Descent: Part 2 becomes just another hopeless sequel engulfed by the darkness. Aug 5, 2023 Full Review Read all reviews

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Carlos T Filme: O Abismo do Medo 2 Elenco: @the_scottish_shauna_macdonald @nataliemendozaofficial @joshdallas @anna_skellern Modelo: #terror #suspense #ação Duração: 1h 34m Ano: 2009 Minha opinião: O 1º filme lançado em 2005 com grande repercução, e quando tem continuação tem o desafio de no minimo ser equivalente, mas sabemos que são poucos os que conseguem. E aqui não é uma excessão, mas não que seja ruim. O filme é uma sequência direta do 1º filme. E começa com a sobrevivente Sarah (Macdonald) no hospital. Mas neste período o xerife e seu esquadrão estão a procura das moças que desceram nas cavernas, porem Sarah não recobra totalmente sua memoria por causa do trauma. E ele é convocada pelo xerife e seu esquadrão a descer novamente nas cavernas. Como agora não tem mais a surpresa das criaturas então o filme tentou fazer o suspense agora com este novo grupo que vai encontrando as coisas do 1º filme. E da mesma forma as pessoas começam a ser mortas. E Sarah vai lembrando do que havia acontecido, até que a fera interior acorda novamente. E para a surpresa quem ainda esta viva é a Juno (Mendoza) a mesma que Sarah deixou para morrer no 1º. E agora haverá vingança? Quem sobreviverá? Roteiro e enredo usa a mesma receita, mas sem o grande ingrediente que é o fator surpresa. Diferente de Alien 2, Rocky 2, Máquina Mortifera 2,....... Vale apena assistir? Sim para quem assistiu o 1º. Nota: 7 Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 11/13/24 Full Review Larry L The descent has very high I reviews which it deserves. The descent 2 has a very poor review. Both movies are good but I think The descent 2 was better movie Rated 4 out of 5 stars 10/18/24 Full Review Jolin S If you watched the first film you will want to see number 2. It is particularly gruesome and gory. Some of the acting is not up to par particularly the sharif and some of his cronies. I also didn’t care for the ending, that is all I will say on that so I don’t spoil the ending for you. Saying that I will recommend watching it. You can decide if you like it. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 10/15/24 Full Review Craig B Not up to the standard of the first film, but still has some very unnerving moments. If you've seen the first film, it's still worth watching this sequel. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 09/26/24 Full Review Kalin D Against my better judgement I bought this movie after becoming so invested in the original story. Too much needless violence and gore, the plaster rocks look fake asf. The caverns are obviously film sets. Also, I did not buy this just to see everyone die in the end including my favourite character. There's other nonsense too like after killing like a million of the orcs between the two movies how are there still so many? It is not possible for these totally blind creatures to take down a moose with their hands and take it home with them. So stupid. And lastly the idea that they are being fed by people is so far fetched and offensive to the viewer. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 06/17/24 Full Review Audience Member Um es mal mit John Cusaks Worten aus 1408 zu sagen "ich war schon draußen". Ist Sarah schon draußen gewesen und muss doch wieder zurück. Wir gehen in die Höhle, treffen auf die selben Wesen und wieder gibt es ein merkwürdiges Ende. Nur diesmal mit weniger Spannung, viel Wackelkamera und jede Menge gekreiche. Es gibt zwar gute Momente aber die sind rar gesät. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 05/24/24 Full Review Read all reviews
The Descent: Part 2

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Movie Info

Synopsis An amnesiac spelunker (Shauna Macdonald) joins a rescue team to explore underground caves where bloodthirsty creatures dwell.
Jon Harris
Production Co
Celador Productions
R (Language|Grisly Images|Strong Bloody Horror Violence|Terror)
Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Oct 31, 2016
1h 34m
Sound Mix
Dolby Digital
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