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The Photographer of Mauthausen

Play trailer Poster for The Photographer of Mauthausen 2018 1h 50m Mystery & Thriller War Play Trailer Watchlist
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Based on real events, a photographer tries to save evidence of the horrors committed inside the walls of a Nazi concentration camp in Mauthausen.
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The Photographer of Mauthausen

Audience Reviews

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Kit V This movie works on multiple levels. Firstly, it tells the story of the Spanish Prisoners of War an angle that is often overlooked along with the countless other nationalities that got lumped into the fever of World War 2. Let's not forget them eh? For this reason alone I champion the movie, it is a sensitive and somewhat realistic tale of survival at the worst of times. A good film, depressing at times and humorous at others, it is no blockbuster but definitely will challenge many views held over the Second World War. I salute every nationality that suffered, every man woman, and animal that had the unfortunate of living through the madness. But they survived in films like this if we want to relive their pain... Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 09/13/23 Full Review Wolfgang G Der Fotograf von Mauthausen ist ein spanischer Biographie- Drama- Historienfilm unter der Regie von Mar Targarona. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte des Fotografen Francisco Boix während seines Lebens im KZ-Komplex Mauthausen… Dieser Film und die Geschichte sind schockierend, ein Spanischer Häftling im Konzentrationslager Mauthausen versucht, die Beweise für die Gräuel durch Fotos zu dokumentieren…Ein sehr gut inszenierter spanischer Film, die Schauspieler liefern ein glaubwürdiges Spiel ab. Der Film hat einen hohen Unterhaltungswert, und sogleich regt er uns zum Nachdenken an. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 02/24/23 Full Review Vaggelis S I am a little late on the review but this movie by director: Mar Targarona, is very historically accurate to the events that took place inside the walls of a Nazi concentration camp in Mauthausen there is also very precise details that are true . The actors which played in this movie had an outstanding performance especially Richard van Weyden as Ricken and Stefan Weinert as Franz Ziereis . In conclusion great movie if you like historically true dramas I would recommend. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/12/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Photographer of Mauthausen

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Movie Info

Synopsis Based on real events, a photographer tries to save evidence of the horrors committed inside the walls of a Nazi concentration camp in Mauthausen.
Mar Targarona
Roger Danès, Alfred Pérez Fargas
Production Co
Filmteam, Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales
Mystery & Thriller, War
Original Language
European Spanish
Release Date (Streaming)
Feb 22, 2019
1h 50m
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