Willian F
Que Horas Ela Volta? (The Second Mother), is a film that delves into class relations in Brazil. With a script and direction that critique and touch on the subject sensitively, it explores the divide between employers and employees. Regina Casé gives a brilliant performance, showing the emotional depth of her character, Val. Although submissive at many moments, she reveals a strength that challenges the imposed norms. The film honestly and even uncomfortably addresses this inequality and societal prejudice, capturing the difference between social spheres with locations and aesthetics that reinforce this disparity. The Second Mother is a film that not only entertains but also provokes reflection on our society and the roles we play within it.
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Kyle M
Writer-director Anna Muylaert refines in approaching familial estrangement to tactically confront class conflict under satisfying, subtly heartening observative study performatively bolstered. (B+)
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Thiago L
O filme Retrata a história de uma mãe empregada doméstica que recebe a filha em seus aposentos na casa dos patrões para que ela possa prestar o vestibular. Durante, acontece várias comparações de como a classificação monetária de ambas famílias influencia nas escolhas da mãe, gerando críticas sociais sobre essa pressão por causa do poder aquisitivo.
Está presente nessa obra a arrogância, a intolerância, a falta de direitos iguais e a falta de respeito por causa desses parâmetros da sociedade, mas mostra um lado muito bom de onde uma mulher com baixo poder aquisitivo pode ocupar espaços inimagináveis. A obra sabe como mexer com o temperamento do telespectador, sabendo o deixar desconfortável, feliz, triste e tudo isso de uma forma genuína.
A forma com que o telespectador acompanha o POV da mãe é instigante, sabendo o quanto ela sofre na mão da patroa e a forma com a qual ela é tratada de forma diferente da filha pelo patão. A sua proximidade com o filho dos contratantes trás um aconchego enorme ao telespectador, mostrando bem como a família é estruturada, vendo isso até mesmo na forma em que o menino trata a mãe e a empregada doméstica de forma exorbitantemente diferente.
A atuação de todos os personagens é algo a ser visto, Regina Casé trás com sua atuação uma familiaridade inexplicável, os traços linguísticos, trejeitos e manias brasileiras a acompanham e da a entender que ela realmente nasceu para atuar aquela personagem.
Outro ponto também muito positivo é o desenvolvimento não só da personagem principal, mas também dos secundários, onde não há lacunas de questionamento e com certeza há uma proximidade ótima com todos.
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rochany S
Maravilhoso, uma crítica social sensacional e foda.
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Marco B
I loved it, simply AMAZING, the film addresses several important issues, with incredible delicacy and sensitivity. He manages to show the reality of Brazil in a raw and sensitive way, and in a sensitive and realistic way, I don't understand how there are so many people who have never seen this work, Regina Casé's performance is simply incredible, she manages to give depth and authenticity to the character which is CRAZY, the way she portrays Val is so natural and engaging that it's impossible not to get emotional. The direction is magnificent, it manages to show the different perspectives of the characters without ever getting lost in the narrative. The film is technically impeccable, the photography is beautiful and the soundtrack complements it perfectly, it is a film that touches the heart and the mind, and that deserves to be seen and discussed, not only as entertainment, but also as a form of reflection and awareness. , there is one of the proofs that when Brazilian cinema wants to make a film with personality, it succeeds.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
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Audience Member
The Second Mother is a brilliant movie that exposes the Brazilian reality of how northeastern and housekeepers are treat in upper and middle class houses.
The movie starts with Val going to pick up her daughter, Jessica, at the airport and presenting her to her employers. Val, who had lived for a long time with that family, treats them with love and affection as if they are family. But when Jessica comes to live with her, the girl realizes that both are treated with disdain and ulterior motives.
Personally, it is sad to watch how Val is treated and not notice anything until her daughter arrives to help her to be free and enjoy her life, but it's also necessary to show how the Northeasterners and the working class are treated until today.
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