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Season 2 – Peyton Place

1965 Drama List
Like the novel and film of the same name, this nighttime soap opera is set in the small New England town of Peyton Place, whose quaint charm masks a complicated web of extramarital affairs, shady business deals, scandals, even murder. Over the show's four-season run, relationships shatter and shift among the main characters, which include bookstore owner Constance McKenzie; Allison, her illegitimate daughter; Elliott Carson, Allison's father; Rodney Harrington, Allison's handsome and wealthy boyfriend; Norman, Rodney's hapless younger brother; the much-married Betty Anderson, a girl from the wrong side of the tracks; Dr. Michael Rossi, a handsome physician; and Steven Cord, a young lawyer with a past.
Peyton Place — Season 2

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Episode 1 Aired Sep 14, 1965 2.1 Doris announces Joe's death. Rita tells Norman and is afraid he will be a suspect. Stella tells Sgt. Goddard to investigate Rodney. Details Episode 2 Aired Sep 16, 1965 2.2 Betty gets a late night call from Rodney, who says that he didn't kill Joe. Rod tells Norman, who says that he will take the blame for it. Details Episode 3 Aired Sep 17, 1965 2.3 Rodney makes a statement to the police, but Mr. Dowell urges him not to sign it. Allison visits him at the station. Details Episode 4 Aired Sep 21, 1965 2.4 Ada suggests Rita not to get involved with the murder case. Sgt. Goddard visits the Anderson home to question Betty about Joe's death. Betty tells Rodney told her it was an accident. Details Episode 5 Aired Sep 23, 1965 2.5 Allison tells David that she thinks Kim saw the murder, but Kim is afraid to tell. Rodney tries to give condolences to the Chernaks. Details Episode 6 Aired Sep 24, 1965 2.6 David wants to tell the police what Kim said about the murder, but Doris refuses. Stella is mad that people only now care about Joe. Details Episode 7 Aired Sep 28, 1965 2.7 Rodney is on trial for murder. Leslie returns to try and help his son. Allison feels guilty that she had doubts about Rodney at first. Details Episode 8 Aired Sep 30, 1965 2.8 Mr. Dowell suggests Leslie to keep a low profile. Norman wants to introduce Rita to his father, but Rita suggests him to wait. Dr. Rossi wants to buy a research laboratory with Kenneth's money. Details Episode 9 Aired Oct 1, 1965 2.9 Rodney is in jail. Norman tells Steven Joe was mad at him for dating Rita. Connie tells Elliot he can't afford to have personal feeling when he wants to be a newspaper editor. Elliot visits Rodney in jail to give him advice to survive in jail. Details Episode 10 Aired Oct 5, 1965 2.10 Leslie wants to make up with Elliot, but Elliot doesn't want to. David tells Doris Mr. Fowler wants Kim to come to the station for a statement, but Doris doesn't want her to. Allison visits Rodney in jail. Details Episode 11 Aired Oct 7, 1965 2.11 Steven asks Ada about all the people who came in the night Joe Chernak was murdered. Mike offers Stella a job in the hospital, but she hasn't decided whether she is going to stay or not. Details Episode 12 Aired Oct 8, 1965 2.12 Julie makes clear to Leslie it was a bad thing returning to Peyton Place. While having a conversation with Dr. Morton, Dr. Rossi is interrupted with an emergency. It turns out Allison has been hit by a car. Details Episode 13 Aired Oct 12, 1965 2.13 Allison is in the hospital for her car accident. Connie is informed and doesn't take it well. Sgt. Goddard tells Elliot he doesn't know who hit Allison. Ada announces she and Rita will leave tomorrow, but Rita refuses to go. Details Episode 14 Aired Oct 14, 1965 2.14 Allison is in intensive care; Leslie prohibits anyone from telling Rodney. Rita is questioned about her past with Joe. Details Episode 15 Aired Oct 15, 1965 2.15 Leslie wants to move Rodney's trial out of Peyton Place, but he refuses. Betty visits and tells Rodney of Allison's accident. Details Episode 16 Aired Oct 19, 1965 2.16 Rossi tells Elliot that Allison's chances for recovery are good, but it will take a long time. Rodney is mad at his father for not telling him of the accident. Details Episode 17 Aired Oct 21, 1965 2.17 Gus breaks in and pushes Leslie against the wall. Elliot demands to know who hit Allison. Betty feels guilty about telling Rodney about the car accident. Stella starts her first day at the hospital as Rossi's assistant. Details Episode 18 Aired Oct 22, 1965 2.18 Steven visits Rod in jail as his attorney and questions him about what really happened the night Joe died. Connie is afraid Allison will die. Elliot visits Timothy Banks, the man who discovered Allison's body after she had been hit. Details Episode 19 Aired Oct 26, 1965 2.19 Leslie asks Martin for bail money. Fowler's wife Marian is seen with a severely damaged car. David wants to reorganize the Mill. Details Episode 20 Aired Oct 28, 1965 2.20 Marian Fowler deliberately rams her car into a garage post to cover up the damage done when she hit Allison. Leslie admits to Rod he went to Mr. Peyton to ask for help. Betty and Stella make clear they dislike each other. Details Episode 21 Aired Oct 29, 1965 2.21 Marian and John bring their damaged car to the garage. Leslie and Rita meet for the first time and immediately like each other. Rodney is bailed out of jail and immediately goes to the hospital. Details Episode 22 Aired Nov 1, 1965 2.22 Rodney visits Allison in the hospital. Russ demands on talking to Marian, but she avoids him. Theodore suggests Rodney not to testify in court, but Rodney wants to tell the truth. Russ suspects Marian of having hit Allison with her car. Details Episode 23 Aired Nov 2, 1965 2.23 Rodney heads to court. Marian wonders if John ever feels guilty about sending people to jail. Dr. Rossi finds Allison has developed paralysis in her left side and is afraid of telling the Carsons. Details Episode 24 Aired Nov 4, 1965 2.24 The Rodney Harrington murder hearing begins. David is allowed to proceed with his plans at the Peyton Mill. Norman is interrogated at the hearing. Details Episode 25 Aired Nov 8, 1965 2.25 Kim is asked to the stand. She tells John Fowler Rodney and Joe were fighting and Rod made him fall by throwing a hook at him. Rodney's attorney tries to prove Rodney otherwise. Kim admits she doesn't know what they were saying. Details Episode 26 Aired Nov 9, 1965 2.26 Stella tells in court Rodney told her he was going to kill Joe. Rodney is shocked, stating she is lying. Judge Webber announces after the hearing Rodney will be sent to a superior court. Details Episode 27 Aired Nov 11, 1965 2.27 Mike is mad at Stella for what she said in court. Steven brings Rodney to the crime scene, where Rod tells him in details what happened. Ada fears her daughter will be called to stand in trial, but Rita refuses to flee. Details Episode 28 Aired Nov 15, 1965 2.28 Martin Peyton is unsatisfied with Rodney's trial, blaming Steven and demanding he destroy Stella. Elliot is struggling with writing a news article about Rodney's trial. Connie reveals she is pregnant. Details Episode 29 Aired Nov 16, 1965 2.29 Elliot thinks reading to Allison will make her wake up. John asks Connie about Norman and Rita's relationship. Martin tells Leslie he wants Mr. Dowell off the case. Details Episode 30 Aired Nov 18, 1965 2.30 Rod decides to confront Stella, but walks away when he sees her. Steven tells Michael he thinks it's odd Stella didn't came to him when Rodney supposedly threatened to kill her brother. Details Episode 31 Aired Nov 22, 1965 2.31 Rodney demands to know why Stella lied, she refuses to talk to him. Steven is shocked when Rodney admits it. Steven's advice to Rodney convinces Martin that he can handle the case. Details Episode 32 Aired Nov 23, 1965 2.32 Marian admits to an affair, John throws her out of the house. Allison starts to respond. Elliot is still searching for the person who hit her. Details Episode 33 Aired Nov 25, 1965 2.33 Rita feels emotional after Steven asks her several personal questions about her and Joe. Betty secretly goes through Mrs. Choate's file office to find information that could help Rodney. Details Episode 34 Aired Nov 29, 1965 2.34 Betty steals some files from Nurse Choate's office and is almost caught. Allison opens her eyes, but only sees a blur. Betty brings Rodney and Steven her personnel folders on Stella and Steven makes copies of it. Details Episode 35 Aired Nov 30, 1965 2.35 Choate catches Betty. Russ asks John where Marian is. When John calls to check on her, he finds she was never there. Details Episode 36 Aired Dec 2, 1965 2.36 Dr. Rossi offers Betty the chance to resign for stealing Stella's file without putting the incident into her records. Theodore suggests Steven help Betty find another job. Stella tells Mr. Fowler Rodney wasn't threatening her. Details Episode 37 Aired Dec 6, 1965 2.37 Martin and Hannah arrive in Peyton Place. They run into Rodney and Norman, but ignore them. Allison is talking for the first time since being hit by a car. Details Episode 38 Aired Dec 7, 1965 2.38 David moves out of his house into the Inn, selling the house to Martin Peyton. Steven suggests Rodney to be nice to Martin, explaining he can be very powerful in the murder case. Details Episode 39 Aired Dec 9, 1965 2.39 Steven starts digging into Stella's past. Connie and Allison talk for the first time. Allison has lost her memory of the past year, forgetting that Elliot is her father. Details Episode 40 Aired Dec 13, 1965 2.40 Elliot is upset Allison doesn't recognize him as her father. Rodney visits Martin, but they can't get along. Mike tries to figure out how big Allison's memory loss is. Details Episode 41 Aired Dec 14, 1965 2.41 Martin is mad that Rodney never visits his mothers grave. John tries to find Marian. Rodney realizes that Allison does not remember their relationship. Details Episode 42 Aired Dec 16, 1965 2.42 Rita has to testify. Steven wants Betty to meet his mother. Allison doesn't have brain damage, but will meet with a psychiatrist. Details Episode 43 Aired Dec 20, 1965 2.43 Betty meets Martin and Hannah. Martin thanks Betty for helping Rodney by stealing Stella's file, but is shocked by her outspokenness. Details Episode 44 Aired Dec 21, 1965 2.44 Allison doesn't remember dating Rodney, thinking she and Norman are still close. Steven feels confident about the trial, but Rodney is nervous. Details Episode 45 Aired Dec 23, 1965 2.45 Allison is angry at Dr. Rossi for assigning her to psychiatrist Dr. Quist and tells him she will never trust him again. Connie tries to calm her down. Details Episode 46 Aired Dec 27, 1965 2.46 Martin gives Betty a job. Allison meets Stella, who gives her the shocking news that Joe is dead. Leslie, Rodney, and Steven meet the judge. Details Episode 47 Aired Dec 28, 1965 2.47 Martin arranges a meeting with Steven and Leslie. Rodney's trial brings up memories for Elliot about his own trial. Allison is troubled with frightening nightmares about her car accident. Details Episode 48 Aired Dec 30, 1965 2.48 Martin tries to convince Rossi that Stella lied about Rodney, but he refuses to take a side. Eli offers Rita a job. At trial, three of the jurors are excused for being prejudiced or acquainted with Rodney, including Nurse Choate. Details Episode 49 Aired Jan 3, 1966 2.49 Both sides try to stack the jury in their favor. Stella is afraid she will be fired. Connie wants to tell Allison the truth about the trial. Details Episode 50 Aired Jan 4, 1966 2.50 Norman impresses his grandfather, until he stands up for Leslie. Allison calls Dr. Gehring at night because she is lonely, but he tells her she is acting spoiled. Details Episode 51 Aired Jan 6, 1966 2.51 Rodney visits Allison and she tells him about her nightmares, which are about him. Mike and Stella go out on a date and they are spotted by Betty and Steven. Details Episode 52 Aired Jan 10, 1966 1.52 Clarence Healy is called to the stand. He performed autopsy on Joe Chernak after he died. Connie makes her first suggestions to Allison she and Elliot are a couple. Details Episode 53 Aired Jan 11, 1966 2.53 Betty testifies in court. After the hearing, Julie worries Elliot will print articles in the newspaper which portray her in a negative way, but Connie assures her that will not happen. Details Episode 54 Aired Jan 13, 1966 2.54 Rita is nervous at having to testify in court the next day. Steven is mad at Betty. Norman tries to assure Rita his feelings won't change and they eventually kiss. Details Episode 55 Aired Jan 17, 1966 2.55 Allison is making progress, as she can move her formerly paralyzed hand again. Dr. Rossi is mad at Stella for talking to Allison. At the end of the session, she panics because she can't move her arm anymore. Meanwhile, Rita has to testify in court. Details Episode 56 Aired Jan 18, 1966 2.56 Steven grills Rita about her relationship with Joe on the stand. Gus becomes enraged when he hears of her mistreatment by Joe and is thrown out of court. Details Episode 57 Aired Jan 20, 1966 2.57 Steven is frustrated over the trial. Stella wants to tell the truth, but Gus hits her. Norman proposes to Rita and she accepts. Details Episode 58 Aired Jan 24, 1966 2.58 Norman and Rita drive to Owens Ridge to get married. David and Gus fight at the Mill. Rodney is accused of lying. Details Episode 59 Aired Jan 25, 1966 2.59 Ada is delighted when she hears the wedding news and welcomes Norman into the family. Dr. Rossi tells Gus he has advanced cirrhosis of the liver. David tells Peyton he fired Gus and tells him he won't allow Steven or Fowler to use Kim at the trial. Details Episode 60 Aired Jan 27, 1966 2.60 Allison secretly listens to Stella's radio and is shocked to hear Rodney is accused of murder. When Dr. Rossi finds out, he is mad at Stella for exposing Allison to the news. Steven is frustrated to find out Norman and Rita married. Details Episode 61 Aired Jan 31, 1966 2.61 Rodney is crushed that Allison doesn't remember their love. Rita moves in with Norman. Gus secretly leaves the hospital. Details Episode 62 Aired Feb 1, 1966 2.62 Gus seeks revenge on Martin and drunkenly confronts him. He collapses before he can do any damage. Rossi and Stella receive a call that there has been an accident. Details Episode 63 Aired Feb 3, 1966 2.63 Gus is in critical condition, but he insists that Stella make Joe's killer pay. Peyton tells the police that Gus tried to kill him and wants him jailed. Details Episode 64 Aired Feb 7, 1966 2.64 Rodney celebrates his 21st birthday at Ada's Tavern after breaking up with Allison. Allison tells Rossi that she wants to go home, but finds being around Elliot uncomfortable. Details Episode 65 Aired Feb 8, 1966 2.65 Rossi tells Allison that she has only forgotten the things that have caused her pain. The police get a call from Marian asking if the police have caught the hit and run driver. Details Episode 66 Aired Feb 10, 1966 2.66 Rodney and Betty talk about their past as a couple and they end up kissing each other. He later receives a check of $1000 from his grandfather to celebrate his birthday. Fowler talks to Stella about her testimony. Details Episode 67 Aired Feb 14, 1966 2.67 Steven learns from Dr. Lawrence that Stella had someone arrested before in her past. Leslie can't forget about catching Betty and Rodney together and discusses it with Julie. Details Episode 68 Aired Feb 15, 1966 2.68 Allison has a temper tantrum and cuts off her hair. Gus Chernak is buried. Stella is called to testify and sticks to her story. Details Episode 69 Aired Feb 17, 1966 2.69 Rossi testifies that Rodney wasn't angry, meaning that Stella lied. Marian returns and confesses to John, he encourages her to go to the police. Details Episode 70 Aired Feb 21, 1966 2.70 Marian goes to the police to confess about Allison. Steven threatens to lose the case on purpose if she and Rodney are together. Details Episode 71 Aired Feb 22, 1966 2.71 Eli tries to convince Elliot its possible John didn't know what Marian did. Allison is confused to hear Marian hit her and realizes Dr. Gehring knew all along. Details Episode 72 Aired Feb 24, 1966 2.72 The jury visits the crime scene. Marian apologizes to Allison, who forgives her. Connie suggests that Allison's real issue is finding that she was illegitimate. Details Episode 73 Aired Feb 28, 1966 2.73 Elliot suggests Connie send Allison to a more professional doctor in Boston. Allison tells Eli she wants to live with him as soon as she gets out of the hospital, but he responds she is ought to live with her parents. Details Episode 74 Aired Mar 1, 1966 2.74 Rita tells Stella she would never have married Joe. Fowler is mad at Elliot for allowing Allison to go to court. After Rodney's testimony, Allison agrees to visit Norman and Rita. Details Episode 75 Aired Mar 3, 1966 2.75 Steven tells Rod he made a good impression on the jury, until he didn't tell the judge Joe's death was an accident. Betty admits to her mother she still is in love with Rodney. David and Doris kiss. Details Episode 76 Aired Mar 7, 1966 2.76 Stella asks Fowler how long the trial will take, she wants to leave town as soon as possible. Dr. Gehring has quit his job. Meanwhile, the jurors have to reach a decision about whether Rodney is guilty or not. Details Episode 77 Aired Mar 8, 1966 3.77 The jurors discuss everything that has been said in the trial to reach a verdict. Marian tries to make John realize that there is a possibility Rodney is innocent. Mike tries to convince Stella to go to the jury to tell she lied. Details Episode 78 Aired Mar 10, 1966 2.78 Betty thinks Martin Peyton is Steven's father and he admits he suspects that same thing as well, but that he is too afraid to ask. Steven announces the jury has reached a verdict. Details Episode 79 Aired Mar 14, 1966 2.79 Rodney is found guilty of murder. Betty blames Stella. Rita tries to comfort Norman, who is devastated over the verdict. Peyton is determined to destroy Stella and get Rodney free, whatever the cost is. Details Episode 80 Aired Mar 15, 1966 2.80 Steven is frustrated over losing, although help may arrive soon. Allison visits Rodney and tells him she still cares for him. Details Episode 81 Aired Mar 17, 1966 2.81 Stella is terrified when a man she put in jail shows up and threatens to expose her. He intends to blackmail her. Details Episode 82 Aired Mar 21, 1966 2.82 Steven refuses to give up Rodney's case when Peyton asks him to. Allison finds a scrapbook about her life Elliot hold while in prison. Richard visits the hospital and demands Stella to steal the key to the storage room before the day is over. Details Episode 83 Aired Mar 22, 1966 2.83 Steven is frustrated with Richard. Martin Peyton visits Rodney in jail. Elliot is glad Allison starts to open up. Allison has written a book and wants the help of Michael to finish it. Stella is threatened by Richard and is forced to steal the keys. Details Episode 84 Aired Mar 24, 1966 2.84 John forces Stella to steal drugs, but she is caught by Rossi. She confesses that she also lied at the trial. Details Episode 85 Aired Mar 28, 1966 2.85 Stella will make a formal confession of perjury. Rodney is excited that he could be free soon. Rossi bails Stella our, and she leaves Peyton Place for good. Details Episode 86 Aired Mar 29, 1966 2.86 Betty admits she still loves Rodney to her mother, but kisses Steven on their date. Peyton offers a trade for Rodney. Details Episode 87 Aired Apr 4, 1966 2.87 Eli is outraged Elliot published a personal attack. Rodney is finally a free man. Norman and Rita invite him to move in with them, but Leslie discourages the idea because of his agreement with Martin Peyton. Details Episode 88 Aired Apr 5, 1966 2.88 Rodney agrees to live with Martin as long as he doesn't have to go to college. David expects to be fired and encourages Rodney to go with him to NYC. Details Episode 89 Aired Apr 7, 1966 2.89 Steven and Betty are about to get married. Before the ceremony, Hannah reveals to Steven she bought a house for him and Betty. Martin Peyton tells him he is welcome to replace Theodore Dowell as his lawyer. Details Episode 90 Aired Apr 11, 1966 2.90 Betty and Steven are married. Theodore has been replaced by Steven and announces his retirement. After the ceremony, the newlyweds move into their new house. Allison and Rodney go to the wharf and bond. Details Episode 91 Aired Apr 14, 1966 2.91 Allison and Rodney take a boat trip, where they kiss. Julie feels bad George couldn't be at the ceremony. Rodney tells Martin Peyton he wants to own a garage. Details Episode 92 Aired Apr 14, 1966 2.92 Steven demands Betty not to work for Martin Peyton anymore. Rodney shows Allison his garage and introduces her to his mechanic Lee. Ann starts her work as a therapist in the hospital. Details Episode 93 Aired Apr 18, 1966 2.93 Ann researches a tragedy. Leslie tells Julie he will pay for her divorce because he plans on marrying her. Lee and Rodney have an argument. Details Episode 94 Aired Apr 19, 1966 2.94 Connie is worried about Rodney and Allison. Ann admits to Steven that she is back to clear her name. She asks Steven for help, but he tells her to hire a PI. Details Episode 95 Aired Apr 21, 1966 2.95 Ann tells Rossi about the night she supposedly blinded Chris. Allison is unsure of her relationship with Rodney. Details Episode 96 Aired Apr 26, 1966 2.96 Michael suggests Ann to tell people about her past. Allison feels her relationship with Rodney was a mistake. Steven agrees to help Ann, but warns her he won't hide it if it turns out she was really the one responsible for Chris' fall. Details Episode 97 Aired Apr 28, 1966 2.97 Ann is afraid to see all the records about the incident. Norman reveals he is enrolled in college. Ann remembers she took the blindfold of an instant before Chris fell. Hannah expresses her worries about Ann's presence in town to Peyton. Details Episode 98 Aired May 2, 1966 2.98 Rita reveals she is pregnant, but is worried about the timing. Ann allows Elliot to write about her. Steven feels guilty of his treatment of Ann. Details Episode 99 Aired May 3, 1966 2.99 Rita tells Norman that she is pregnant. He says that he won't go to college because he wants to be there for his child. Details Episode 100 Aired May 5, 1966 2.100 Ann is sent a threatening letter. Morton admits if he knew her past, he would not have hired her. Sandy begs Lee to visit Chris, and when he tries to hit her Rodney stops him. Details Episode 101 Aired May 9, 1966 2.101 Ann blames Michael for Dr. Morton wanting to speak to her. Elliot is worried about Allison's future with Rod. Norman wants to work for Rodney after working at Eli's shop, which leads to Rodney suspecting him to have money trouble. Details Episode 102 Aired May 10, 1966 1.102 Dr. Rossi tells Rita she is not pregnant, but not sleeping and eating enough. Martin Peyton wants a new will and is determined to contact Ann's father. Steven and Betty prepare for a plan against Martin Peyton. Betty offers to be his spy. Details Episode 103 Aired May 12, 1966 2.103 Peyton tells Rodney he has rewritten his will. Rossi has a therapy session with Allison and isn't convinced she is happy. Ann has a confronting meeting with Lee. Details Episode 104 Aired May 16, 1966 2.104 Lee doesn't want Ann to dig up the past and assures her Chris has forgiven her. Allison is unsure about what to do with her future. Rita admits to Allison she wanted a baby. Details Episode 105 Aired May 17, 1966 2.105 Lee apologizes to Ann for his behavior. Allison tells her mother she thinks she isn't really close to Rodney. Julie reveals to Betty Leslie proposed to her. Sandy tells Rodney she is afraid Lee will hurt Ann. Details Episode 106 Aired May 19, 1966 2.106 Sandy tells Lee Chris will visit them in Peyton Place, but he responds he doesn't want him to. Julie feels guilty about divorcing George to marry Leslie. Peyton tells Elliot he doesn't think Allison is suitable as Rodney's bride. Details Episode 107 Aired May 23, 1966 2.107 Michael takes Ann to the cliff to make her remember and they end up kissing. Allison feels bad about what Peyton said. Leslie announces to Rodney he plans on marrying Julie. Peyton offers Norman his financial help, but he refuses. Details Episode 108 Aired May 24, 1966 2.108 Steven contacts Arthur Crain, a man who witnessed Chris' accident. He tells him he saw Ann pushing Chris off the cliff. Norman tells Rita he got into a fight with Peyton. Leslie thinks Rodney's behavior will destroy the family. Details Episode 109 Aired May 26, 1966 2.109 Rodney tells Norman he thinks he is spoiled and finally blames him for having been on trial. Sandy tells Rita how lucky she is with Norman. Connie expresses her disapproval of Allison hanging out with Ann. Details Episode 110 Aired May 30, 1966 2.110 Lee softens up as Chris arrives in town. Ann is worried about seeing Chris. Rodney and Allison admit they are too different from each other to be in a relationship. Details Episode 111 Aired May 31, 1966 2.111 Ann tells Mike she is in love with him. She later bumps into Chris and becomes acquainted to him, without telling who she is. Lee warns Chris Steven is going to pay him a visit regarding the accident. Details Episode 112 Aired Jun 2, 1966 2.112 Chris reveals to Ann he knows who she is. She tries to explain everything to him, but he walks away and wonders why she isn't sure if she pushed him. Elliot tells Mike Ann is too fragile to face the trouble she is getting herself into. Details Episode 113 Aired Jun 6, 1966 2.113 Steven wants Chris to try and remember the night of the accident, but Lee tries to prevent Steven from talking to him and hits him. Norman thinks Rita is only pretending to be happy with him. Details Episode 114 Aired Jun 7, 1966 2.114 Chris wants Lee to leave him be, he doesn't know who pushed him. Allison isn't happy with Rodney, and decides she wants to leave town. Details Episode 115 Aired Jun 9, 1966 2.115 Chris and Allison get acquainted and he tells her she is beautiful. Hannah is considering telling Steven the truth about his past. Ann tells Mike about her marriage to Jack Howard. Details Episode 116 Aired Jun 13, 1966 2.116 Sandy is upset Chris is choosing Allison over her to read to him. Meanwhile, Lee forces Ann to demand Steven to stop the investigation. Details Episode 117 Aired Jun 14, 1966 2.117 Allison is shocked to hear Ann is probably the one who pushed Chris of the cliff. Steven wants to contact Ann's father for information, but she doesn't want him to. Rodney overhears Hannah saying Steven is Ann's brother. Details Episode 118 Aired Jun 16, 1966 2.118 Steven tells Betty he thinks Hannah knows something about Ann's father. Allison will have a date with Chris. Lee doesn't want Chris to see Allison. Rodney tells Leslie Steven and Ann are brother and sister. Details Episode 119 Aired Jun 20, 1966 2.119 Allison apologizes to Ann; Hannah wants Peyton to tell Steven the truth; Ann and Steven go to Boston to see her father. Details Episode 120 Aired Jun 20, 1966 2.120 Rodney tells Betty the truth about Ann and Steven; Connie talks to Chris about Allison; Hannah is worried she will lose Steven. Details Episode 121 Aired Jun 23, 1966 2.121 Brian asked for both Ann and Steven before he died. Lee forces Allison to make Chris leave town. Betty tries to keep Steven from finding the truth about his father. Details Episode 122 Aired Jun 27, 1966 1.122 Brian Colby's burial is held. Betty tells Rodney that Brian was an artist and that drawings of Catherine have been found in his suitcase. Rita convinces Norman to make up with Rodney. They meet at the hospital and discuss Peyton. Details Episode 123 Aired Jun 28, 1966 2.123 Ann announces she plans on staying in Peyton Place. Peyton wants to invite Steven to visit him in the hospital and later lies to Ann about Brian's drawing of Catherine. Steven confronts Hannah with her connection to Brian. Details Episode 124 Aired Jun 30, 1966 2.124 Ann talks to Chris about the accident, which upsets him. He tries to walk away, but falls off the wharf into a boat and is hospitalized. Lee demands her to stay away from Chris forever. Details Episode 125 Aired Jul 4, 1966 2.125 Sandy tries to stop Ann from visiting Chris. Dr. Rossi announces Peyton will soon be released. Allison is mad at Elliot about the accident involving Chris. Steven asks Betty what Rodney was doing there on the night he went to Boston. Details Episode 126 Aired Jul 5, 1966 2.126 Connie worries about her pregnancy. Dr. Morton instructs Ann to stay away from Chris. Chris doesn't blame Ann for the accident and tells Lee he doesn't think she pushed him off the cliff anymore. Details Episode 127 Aired Jul 7, 1966 2.127 Chris is shocked to her Ann was fired because of their conversation. Chris tells Lee they both know Ann didn't pushed him off the bluff, suggesting Lee was the guilty one. Details Episode 128 Aired Jul 11, 1966 2.128 Peyton admits to Betty that Brian Colby, actually named Brian Cord, is Steven's father, but that he held it a secret to protect everyone. She is mad, but agrees to keep it a secret from Steven. Chris announces he will soon go back to Boston. Details Episode 129 Aired Jul 12, 1966 2.129 Rodney and Lee fight after he fires him. Connie offers Ann a job at the bookstore. Betty tells Peyton she no longer wants to keep the secret. Details Episode 130 Aired Jul 14, 1966 2.130 Norman questions Rodney's friendship with Betty. Steven confronts Betty with the gossip. Lee gets drunk and decides to find Ann. Details Episode 131 Aired Jul 18, 1966 2.131 Ann figures out that Lee is the one who pushed Chris onto the rocks. Chris tells Allison Ann didn't push him. Details Episode 132 Aired Jul 19, 1966 2.132 Betty leaves Steven and refuses to take his calls. Chris makes Lee promise to leave Ann alone. Connie admits she misjudged Ann. Details Episode 133 Aired Jul 21, 1966 2.133 Lee worries over Chris' sudden disappearance. Elliot finds out that Lee pushed Chris and goes to Steven with the knowledge. Details Episode 134 Aired Jul 25, 1966 2.134 Ann receives her father's inheritance. Lee asks Leslie for a job, but is refused. Steven asks Allison about Chris. Details Episode 135 Aired Jul 26, 1966 2.135 Steven asks for a divorce. Allison regrets telling the secret. Steven threatens Chris' career unless he tells the truth. Details Episode 136 Aired Jul 28, 1966 2.136 Lee beats up Chris when he finds out that he told that Ann was innocent. Ann declares she can now have a future, and gets engaged to Michael. Details Episode 137 Aired Aug 1, 1966 2.137 Ann finds out her father's real last name was Cord. Betty tells Rodney that Steven is divorcing her. She wonders if it is a punishment, for not having loved Steven when she married him. Rodney admits that Ann Howard is his sister. Details Episode 138 Aired Aug 2, 1966 2.138 Ann and Steven know the truth. Chris wants to stop Lee. Steven and Betty reconcile. Steven asks Ann to wait on telling anyone so he can find out why the truth was hidden. Details Episode 139 Aired Aug 4, 1966 2.139 Ann confronts Hannah, who tells her she hated her when she was born. Allison is worried about Chris. Steven wants nothing to do with Hannah or Peyton. Details Episode 140 Aired Aug 8, 1966 2.140 Allison is looking for Chris and sees Lee pass by. She then finds Ann's body on the rocks. Mike is determined to find out who killed Ann. Details Episode 141 Aired Aug 9, 1966 2.141 Chris feels betrayed by Allison and is annoyed by the interrogation of Ann's death. Rodney tells Allison she shouldn't let Ann's death stop her from living. Elliot suspects Ann might have committed suicide. Details Episode 142 Aired Aug 11, 1966 2.142 Mike is angry at Lee and punches him. Martin is angry at Hannah for telling Ann about Catherine. He thinks she may have had something to do with Ann's death. Details Episode 143 Aired Aug 15, 1966 2.143 Rodney tells Peyton about Hannah's actions the night Ann died. Allison is upset and Mike is angry with her for not giving him more information. Details Episode 144 Aired Aug 16, 1966 2.144 Fowler is investigating Ann's death. Fowler knows Ann has spent time in a mental institution and questions Steven if it's possible she had committed suicide. Allison tells Fowler she saw Lee holding a bottle on the bluff. Details Episode 145 Aired Aug 18, 1966 2.145 Lee is arrested after police find his bottle, Allison tries to get Chris to tell her what he knows. Steven believes that Hannah is responsible. Details Episode 146 Aired Aug 22, 1966 2.146 Chris tells Allison that he was in love with her before she betrayed him. Lee pleads not guilty and asks for Steven to be his lawyer. Details Episode 147 Aired Aug 23, 1966 2.147 Allison is in shock. Leslie shocks Peyton and Steven with the news that Hannah was looking for Ann before her death. Details Episode 148 Aired Aug 25, 1966 2.148 After being found on the bluffs, Allison is hospitalized. Lee convinces Steven to take his case after he admits to pushing Chris. Details Episode 149 Aired Aug 29, 1966 2.149 Allison wanders from the hospital and is confronted by Lee, who scares her. Mike is mad that Steven is Lee's lawyer. Details Episode 150 Aired Aug 30, 1966 2.150 The town searches for Allison. Chris is upset that Steven is Lee's lawyer. Lee lies to Steven about seeing Allison. Details Episode 151 Aired Sep 1, 1966 2.151 Rodney and Norman start a search for Allison. Elliot expresses his worries about Allison to Mike. Fowler doesn't believe Lee's side of the story about the Ann Howard death case. Details Episode 152 Aired Sep 5, 1966 2.152 Chris regrets not admitting who was responsible for his blindness before Ann's death. He tries to convince Sandy that Lee was responsible for her death. He later blames Elliot for Allison having nobody to love her. Details Episode 153 Aired Sep 7, 1966 2.153 Lee denies pushing Allison to leave town. Steven expresses his hatred of Hannah; resigns as Lee's lawyer. Connie vows to do better with her new baby. Details

Season Info

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Release Date
Sep 14, 1965