Hermione Gingold
A justly beloved, somewhat bizarre-looking English character player, Hermione Gingold delighted millions with her typically haughty, imperious manner, a slight lisp in her voice and a richly fruity, theatrical line delivery. Gingold most often played middle-aged or elderly, whimsical eccentrics or self-righteous, gorgon-like "pillars" of the community. Though much of her lengthy, distinguished career was spent on the stage, Gingold did spread her legendary, hilarious magic through a number of films, including "Bell, Book and Candle" (1958), as one of a covens of amusing, dotty witches, and "The Music Man" (1962), as a commanding, small-town dragon of a matron who stages a human sculpture as an "Ode to a Grecian Urn."