Justin Henry
Justin Henry was eight years old when he earned an Academy Award nomination as Best Supporting Actor for his role as the adorable son of Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep in the 1979 drama "Kramer vs. Kramer." "Discovered" by a neighbor who was a casting director, Henry had never acted before, but his big eyes produced big tears as his mother and father fought for his custody, and although he was paid a mere $5,000 for his efforts in the film, Hollywood would have made him THE kid actor of the 80s, if only he had wanted it. But Justin Henry did not then want to be a star. Instead, he returned to his family's Westchester County, NY, home and acted only occasionally during the 80s. He was Molly Ringwald's obnoxious younger brother in John Hughes' "Sixteen Candles" (1984), was kidnapped by and ultimately befriends Richard Harris in "Martin's Day" (1984) and played Don Johnson's troubled teenaged son in "Sweet Hearts Dance" (1988). On TV, Henry was a youth who helps the Detroit baseball team win its pennant in "Tiger Town," a 1986 Disney/ABC TV-movie.