Meredith Monk
Meredith Monk worked on a variety of projects during her entertainment career. Monk worked on a variety of projects during her early entertainment career, including "In the Name of the Father" (1988), "Modern American Composers I" (1984) starring John Cage and "Plainsong" (1982) starring Jessica Nelson. She also contributed to "True Stories" (1986). She continued to work steadily in film throughout the nineties, appearing in the Gerd Wameling fantastical drama "Book of Days" (1990). She also appeared in the TV special "Bessie -- Portrait of Bessie Schonberg" (Thirteen/WNET, 1998-99). Monk also created music for the Josef Aichholzer documentary "Toward Jerusalem" (1992). Monk's music was also featured in "The Big Lebowski" (1998) and the drama "Our Music" (2004) with Jean-Luc Godard. Most recently, Monk appeared on "The Colors of the Prism, the Mechanics of Time" (2011).