Kailey B
This movie was absolutely terrible and they tried to make it thrilling and suspenseful but it just wasn’t and it did not flow. I wish I could get the time back that I spent watching this movie. I would not recommend this movie to anyone ever!
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
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Iamwhoi M
This movie is just gawd awful FLAT. All the characters are flat, except Riley Keogh's; and hers is semi-flat. Uninspired writing is to blame, as the movie has a very capable cast. When it ended, my response was "That's it???" Should've been written much better, then the final product just might have been something.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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Jonathan L
UNDERRATED: I've looked at the audience reviews and I think what happened here is that many audience viewers rated this MOVIE poorly, when they meant to rate the SHOW poorly. The Good Doctor (movie) is a wonderful piece of cinema, a great phychological thriller, and a really gripping story. Bloom's stellar performance gave the charecter a horrifically indifferent attitude towards his actions that made him that much more creepy to watch. I also love the inner conflict this movie induces, by making the protagonist and the antagonist the same person, it really becomes a movie less about the moral, and more about the experience. Aside from that, the stellar, solemn cinematography and score helped unite all these factors into one coherent depiction, of one very f*cked up doctor. Only issues were that it drags a bit in the beginning and the supporting cast was lacking a tad. 92/100
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Anna R
I have to say this before anything else: DONT WATCH THIS UNTIL WELL AFTER YOU WATCH THE TRAILER. The trailer gave so much away, that it ruined the movie, leaving only the last 20 minutes to wonder what would happen.
This movie was really good, otherwise. It was not like all the other, predictable, "bad doctor" movies. It had a plot that was unpredictable, unless you watch the trailer.
Even by that point, it was easy to guess what was coming, because the trailer showed the detective asking about poison, and you already knew it was too late into the film for an inquiry about the girl, and you already saw he'd gotten away with that one.
All that was left was to find out what mistake he'd make that gets him caught. The only pooorly-scripted part of the movie was that, of the crowd of witnesses, no one thought it was strange that he was fighting with a guy, right before the guy died. It was also a bit unrealistic that no one noticed all of the shady moves he made throughout the film, or the fact that he was obviously infatuated with his patient. Or that he kept leaving evidence in the trash but it was never found.
I don't if I like or disliked the way we didn't find out if there was anything compromising, even, in the diary. I think it'd be better to know that he killed over nothing but, then again, it seems as if it alluded to her saying she had a anesthesia dream about him kissing her, which is another annoying plot hole, because she didn't come out of surgery well enough to make a diary entry and then die, suddenly.
It was also a good move they didn't say how he accidentally killed her. Because they would've had to explain how it went undetected, which was already questionable.
Already, I cannot imagine how he'd use an IV to keep her body from fighting a basic infection like a UTI. Unless he was administering saline instead of antibiotics. In which case, his constant trips to medication room would be unnecessary. It also would not explain why he was disposing of her cultures.
I have no medical background, experience, or interest, and even I know this much. In fact, I have just barely begun to think about my health and schedule medical appointments to keep myself healthy. I come from a family, possibly a generation, in which you don't need the doctor unless you can't fix it by using fishing wire as stitches, and your pets are shot, mourned, then buried in the backyard, once they start to suffer (although mine is the exception). I also live in a country, where health care is a luxury and financial goal for most of us.
If the trailer hadn't ruined most of the film, it was a good, low budget flick, with an original story, a nice touch of creepiness, due to the age difference between him and the girl, and his loner character, with antisocial-level ego.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Elvis P
40 min before ending you can packed all the movie and realized that is underated movie but it can be true. take care with your doctors.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
I blame myself for getting hooked at Know It All General. We need a CT scan, panel ,coags, chest films, psych eval, a unit of whole blood, and ...... Nurse Im going to put a chest drain in !! Brain surgery ? No problem, I'm a third year resident ! Can't do it until I finish putting the bone plate on and by the way your sexist ! No I'm not ! Yes you are !!! Kiss, Kiss. (We really shouldn't be doing this.......) The end ? Nooo.... It keeps going.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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