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very informative! a must watch!!
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very compelling. very interesting. worth watching.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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So interesting, an eye wakening when it comes to vaccines. The documentary states that vaccines can be good when it comes to disease that can be common for children and adults. This is were the pharmaceutical companies becomes gray and even dark. Nowadays kids&parents are pressure by doctors, teachers, television, and even the government to vaccinate their children. The thing is the doses are becoming more higher than ever before, making the body less immune plus having more risk of side affects. It could be a wide ranges of side affects not just autism or some sort of learning disability but for example strokes, seizures, partial facial paralysis, headaches, asthma, chronic fatigue and even death. It is becoming more mandatory for kids at such a young age when their brains are developing. It is believe that the rate of USA children with chronic diseases and disabilities will become more of a common thing. One of the main ingredients in vaccines is mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and other preservatives. Amazingly, they haven't done a really intense studies&research on what this ingredients can do to the brain or body but are given to babies, kids, and adults since its been said to be safe. It is now that a few doctors&scientist are researching because more parents&adults are becoming aware of this epidemic to vaccine without truly knowing what it does to our bodies. This movie explains what this chemicals do when it's injected to the body - which like I say is very eye opening. A must see...
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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This film is anti-vaccine propaganda dressed up as an unbiased documentary. Why are only supposedly vaccine injured children's stories told? Where are the stories of kids who died or were permanently injured due to preventable illnesses? Propaganda. Not a single actual fact is brought to light by the film. Only a train of unsubstantiated claims and fear-mongering.
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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I loved this movie! Great production, great science. After years of biased articles, biased News pieces, finally we have a film that presents both sides of this debate & shows us what those 'rare adverse events' really look like when they happen in YOUR family! I am shocked @ the bias of the reviews on here, particularly the NYT review. There are unsubstatiated opinions a plenty in these reviews, but not so much in the film. How can a review fail to mention the awards this film has won? Irresposible & biased IMO! Award winning! Must see!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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I got to see this at the 2011 Arizona International Film Festival. My review for the Tucson Filmmaker Online Magazine is here:
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