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The Water Diviner

Play trailer Poster for The Water Diviner R Released Apr 24, 2015 1h 52m History Drama War Play Trailer Watchlist
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63% Tomatometer 148 Reviews 60% Popcornmeter 10,000+ Ratings
Four years after the Battle of Gallipoli, Australian farmer Joshua Connor (Russell Crowe) travels to Turkey to find his three sons, who never returned home from the war. When he arrives in Istanbul, he meets others who have also suffered losses: hotelier Ayshe (Olga Kurylenko) and her son, Orhan, who befriends Connor; and Major Hasan (Yilmaz Erdogan), a Turkish officer who fought against Connor's sons and now may be their father's only hope in finding closure.
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The Water Diviner

The Water Diviner

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Critics Consensus

The Water Diviner finds Russell Crowe on somewhat uncertain footing as a director, but he's rescued by a strong performance from himself in the leading role.

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Critics Reviews

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Udita Jhunjhunwala Livemint While Crowe the actor has impressive screen presence and conveys grief with subtlety, Crowe the director errs on the side of caution in this conservatively directed feature, which splutters along... Aug 14, 2019 Full Review Richard Roeper Chicago Sun-Times Indeed, this is the 51-year-old Crowe's first time as a movie director, but he's hardly a novice actor stepping behind the camera for some sort of vanity project. Rated: 4.0 Apr 26, 2015 Full Review Bilge Ebiri New York Magazine/Vulture It's clear that Russell Crowe has poured his heart and soul into the historical romance The Water Diviner, his first feature as a director. If only the film were better. Apr 24, 2015 Full Review Keith Garlington Keith & the Movies Crowe should be commended for giving the film a grand, near epic look and feel despite having a less than epic budget. Rated: 4.5/5 Aug 21, 2022 Full Review Don Shanahan Every Movie Has a Lesson Crowe's film isn't gaudy war glorification towards a happy ending. This film is the acknowledgement of shared experience and shared loss between strangers that is tremendously noble, even with the sometimes over-dramatized story. Rated: 3/5 Mar 8, 2022 Full Review Richard Crouse Richard Crouse A sweeping historical drama about one man; a personal story set against a huge backdrop that studies a father's sorrow and a nation's tribulations. Rated: 3/5 Feb 3, 2021 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Kathryn V Really liked this. Definetly held my interest. Heartfelt in spots. Good ending. As always, great acting by Russell Crowe. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 03/13/25 Full Review Carlos T Filme: Promessa de Guerra Assistido: 11-11-23 Elenco: @russellcrowe @olgakurylenkoofficial @jaicourtney @yilmaz.erdogan Modelo: #guerra #war #drama Duração: 1h 51m Ano: 2014 Minha opinião: Um filme que se passa na 1ª Guerra Mundial na Turquia. A estoria gira entorno da família Connor, sendo Russell o patriarca da família, ele tem 3 filhos. Algo semelhante com o filme do "Resgate do Soldado Ryan" com Tom Hanks. Russell mora na Australia e seus 3 filhos vão para a Guerra, e ond os 3 são dados como mortos. Sua mãe não resiste e morre, mas faz um ultimo pedido para Russell para que buscasse o corpo de seus filhos e enterrasse ao seu lado. E assim começa a trajetória de Russell, indo para a Turquia após o fim da Guerra. E derrepente ele se vê precisando da ajuda dos "inimigos" para procurar o corpo dos filhos. E os ingleses que agora controlam a Turquia, não ajudam Russell. Mas envia ele para major Hasan que seus filhos combateram contra os soldados dele que em combate mataram seus filhos. Então imagine o clima. Em paralelo a isso temos a pensão onde Russell esta ficando. E lá temos Olga que é uma viúva, onde seu esposo morreu na guerra. E de acordo com a tradição deles ela casaria com o irmão do falecido esposo. Porem ela não sente nenhuma alegria nisso e ela tb tem um filho, que cria uma amizade com Russell e por isso ele passa a ter um dialogo com ela. E isso faz com que role um crima entre os 2. Mas existe todo um drama na estoria. Voltando a procura dos filhso a Turquia também temos grupos separatistas do país. E o Major Hasan é capturado junto com Russell e ele salva o major, os 2 fogem e nesta fuga Russell encontra o único filho sobrevivente. Eles fogem e Russell se encontra com Olga e vivem felizes para sempre. Um bom filme, boas atuações do atores e tem como tempero romance, drama, perdão, amizades e um pouco de ação. Roteiro e enredo bons e bem trabalhados, criando bem toda a estoria e envolvendo você. Vale apena assistir? Sim com certeza Nota: 8,5 Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/20/24 Full Review Alan W Brilliant film,a stubborn but loving Australian Father's journey to find his 3 sons in Gallipoli after the first World War Rated 5 out of 5 stars 08/05/23 Full Review Colin M An Australian man goes in search of his sons. A joyless movie which lacks a sufficient ending. The man's "powers" lack scientific foundation so, aren't believable, which made the movie silly. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 06/29/23 Full Review John R This film really hits home for me because I'm one of three brothers. I enjoyed it though because of the historical period it treats with, one that isn't normally looked at in film. Not a blockbuster hit, but definitely one worth seeing. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/09/23 Full Review Audience Member This is an abhorrent propaganda film, led by a relentless campaign of misinformation by Turkey and its government. Shame on Russell Crowe for making this film. It completely omits actual history, the Armenian Genocide, and washes Turkey of all its World War I sins and atrocities. It’s utter garbage and a harmful spreader of lies and falsehoods. It was strategically released on the 100 year anniversary of the Genocide and most of these audience comments are Turkish people promoting the film thus promoting their endless lies. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 08/28/22 Full Review Read all reviews
The Water Diviner

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Movie Info

Synopsis Four years after the Battle of Gallipoli, Australian farmer Joshua Connor (Russell Crowe) travels to Turkey to find his three sons, who never returned home from the war. When he arrives in Istanbul, he meets others who have also suffered losses: hotelier Ayshe (Olga Kurylenko) and her son, Orhan, who befriends Connor; and Major Hasan (Yilmaz Erdogan), a Turkish officer who fought against Connor's sons and now may be their father's only hope in finding closure.
Russell Crowe
Andrew Mason, Keith Rodger, Troy Lum
Andrew Knight, Andrew Anastasios
Warner Bros. Pictures
Production Co
Hopscotch Features, Fear of God Films
R (War Violence|Some Disturbing Images)
History, Drama, War
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Apr 24, 2015, Wide
Release Date (Streaming)
Jul 7, 2015
Box Office (Gross USA)
1h 52m
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